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Holy Mole` Love (remarkable story)

Love – never fails.

Look for Signs of Love – no matter what appears to be…(remarkable story-scroll down)

It was our first born – a beautiful boy, and his daddy was so proud as he held his namesake, his precious infant son gently in his strong arms.

There are no words in either my native  language or English that describe the love in my mothers heart as I held my baby close to my heart, fed, nurtured and watched him grow.

As time went on his dad and he developed a strong connection sharing so much that was similar.  Our son responded to our guidance with a beautiful soft heart and yet he knew his own way.

In gratitude we watched him become a man courageously as he learned his life lessons and become even stronger and his inner light more brilliant.

There are times in life we don’t have the answers as to why some thing fall as they do.  It takes everything in us to accept what is happening, to let go of hurt, blame and just be with what is – and trust.

Trust that someday things will change.  Some day our pain and heaviness will go and that maybe we will know joy and freedom in our spirit again.

We stay with ‘what is’ inside us as we struggle and bleed sometimes, and until we finally let go and Love fills all the empty spaces.

We lost our precious son, not physically – he was still here in this world, but we lost our connection with him.  He made a decision to disconnect from both of us.

Heart broken, his dad and I did not understand.

In truth, our marriage and relationship strengthened as our hearts were raw and shattered.  We together went deeper inside ourselves, we shared and tasted a greater dimension of Love we had not known before that comforted and filled our soul.

An ocean of tears, unexpected healing journeys and miracles that spanned angels, shamans, prayers and years…yes, years that we did not see or speak to our precious son.

Love heals, expands and opens us wide – and so, in all the years that have gone by our love for our son has expanded and deepened in the silence.

Last week, our precious son, our beloved first born, his dad’s namesake – knocked on our door…….and we made mole` together.

As we were scraping the mole` into containers, a big drop dropped on the plate.  It made this beautiful heart surprising us both that the drop turned into a heart – a welcomed, miraculous Sign of Love that filled our hearts with unspeakable gratitude.

Gratitude for this day, for this journey and this ‘sign’ that spoke ‘all is well’.

– Hilda Yepes Contreras-

loving you,

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