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911 heart (remarkable story)

Questions quiet inside, when Love reassures us.

Look for Signs of Love today, and know you are always seen, heard and deeply loved.

The Friday after the September 11th attacks, I was sitting on the beach with a friend.  My heart was full of emotion as I absentmindedly grabbed a handful of sand.As we sat together, I sifted the sand through my fingers and one stone remained in my hand.This is the stone I held that day – in the shape of a heart.This stone has found a home in my life as a tangible symbol of the power of love to remain when all else has fallen away.I was looking for such reassurance during this time – and found it in this spontaneous sign of love.
**story and photograph in San Diego, California by Janet Kelly, assistant director of merchandising for Isabella Catalog and Chinaberry. (

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