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bridge to love (remarkable story)

Love is a seed that not only grows, but feeds.

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I wondered why I was seeing in my memory a kind old, old gentlemen that I see in my mind’s eye now and again.  A beautiful soul that I remember trudging along the river and then up the bridge coming towards my mother and I.  The fog was barely lifting and the air was brisk that morning a few years ago. 

Mom and I were preoccupied in our conversation and yet there was something drawing me to this aged, but spirited man. I could feel a stirring in the air as he approached. His slow pace slowed to a stand still and he leaned against the bridge railing fiddling with something in his pocket.

Suddenly, I saw grey pigeons circling and one flew down and landed next to him, then another and another. By this time the gentleman had a little handful of seeds from out of his pocket and held the seeds open in his hand against the railing.  Little grey pigeons landed on his arm and began to eat the seeds right out of his hand as he chatted with them. They were oh, so polite and there was no doubt the birds loved this man, and the man loved these birds.
The gentleman told me he’d done this for years, if you’re kind to the wild – they’ll love you back he demonstrates.
I wished I had my camera, but alas it was the one time I didn’t take it with me, so I woke up early the following mornings to try and find the gentleman again and take the picture of these amazing wild birds landing on this man, and eating out of his hand – but I never saw him again.

I know now why I’m thinking of him tonight – he was an amazing Sign of Love.  He touched my heart forever, the memory of his gentle wise spirit and kind face made an indelible impression and I think of him many times and remember the wisdom of being kind, loving and generous to all.  

The fascinating thing is, he never knew and will never know the effect he and his love had on me.

I wonder how many times in a day we impact someones life just because we ‘loved’ in a simple way, and we’ll never know we made that difference?
I think it’s a lot – and it’s the way it’s supposed to be.

loving you,

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