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You couldn’t be more perfect (remarkable story)

Love…the perfection of YOU!

Nurture with great Love all of you …and Look for Signs of Love (remarkable  story-scroll down)

This morning I was gratefully noticing something so simply fundamental and right in every moment.

We are who we are, and who we are is perfect.  The knowing of our perfection gets all cluttered when we compare ourselves to each other because in those moments we aren’t good enough in just about every way.

I don’t mean we go through life with this idea we are ‘perfect’ and so we stick to our ways, stay stuck in untrue beliefs and accept unbeneficial patterns as ‘just being the perfect us’.  I mean, who we are is perfect, as in a perfect seed.  The blueprint and life of what the seed is to become  – is perfect.

You and I are that perfect -always have been and always will be.

Have you ever considered how much a seed changes from the time it is blanketed and nurtured in Mother Earth until it matures into full expression?  In our perfection of who we are, we change that much.

More accurately said, we are the perfection and have the free will to choose to change that much in our lifetime.

My dad farms wheat, and even now in his late 80’s he still loves farming his wheat fields.  I think what he loves most is the miracle of the seed he witnesses every year, the tiny seed that changes into beautiful heads of golden wheat each season.

He’s told me when the seed sprouts it will only grow downwards until it is deep enough to reach all the nourishment the plant will need, and then all life begins to grow upward towards the sun…it is the sun that gives life.

How many times have you seen a little flower in full bloom that grew through a tiny crack in asphalt?  The perfection of the seed changed as it grew.  As this seedling sought and reached for the Light of Life nearly everywhere it turned there was something impenetrable to stop its life, and yet this seedling found the crack where the Light had shown through, and it gracefully, quietly became its full expression.

I feel so grateful this morning that who I am is perfect, it’s as right as it could ever be and that changing so dramatically from a seed into the process of a maturing plant is as right and perfect as it could ever be.

I’m still me, and growing IS changing, changing everything really.
Change doesn’t need to scare me because change is me.

It’s the nature of perfection to grow changing inside, and then reaching and moving towards the Light of Life expressing outside.
In our process of growth and change, we just trust that what makes us feel ‘Light, brilliant, golden and bright’ is the way.  And it is.

loving you,

**photo by in Canada

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