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from mind to heart – (remarkable story)

Love returns us to our heart.
Look for Signs of Love today, basking in presence.


I was having a challenging week.
I was really close to completing a book I’d been writing for several years and it was stressing me out.

Since it’s all about Feminine Soul and connection to Spirit in our day-to-day lives, the process was really putting me through my paces at the moment. (Other times, it was totally glorious).

So I took myself on retreat, returning to a place that brought me a lot of clarity and solace.

I was battling fears about getting this book, The Magdalene Path, out in the world. Birthing pains. I went for a long walk along the river, pondering these challenges that were thorns in my side.

One insight led to another as I moved through the sultry summer forest, looking for a private swimming hole to contemplate my dilemmas.

As I turned a bend I came to a massive rock outcropping, a perfect sun-drenched spot. I was starting to feel clear and at peace.

As I scrambled up the stone, I came upon this heart rock, a sign for me, of love and hopeMy heart was full of joy and tears at this lovely message from Spirit, letting me know I was on the right track. And that all was well.

I smiled noticing a canine tooth was carefully placed with it. This seemed like no accident and further blessing and acknowledgement.

It too seemed like a wink from my beloved white wolf hybrid, Aiko, who had lived and loved this place once also. I spent the rest of that day basking in the summer sun, letting the river wash over me and my concerns as the rest ofmy inner world was clicking into place.

Claire Sierra, MA  Art Therapist/Soul Coach and author of The Magdalene Path,

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