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Loving all of you (remarkable story)

Here’s to loving all of YOU!

Because you are here, the world is more wondrous. (remarkable story- scroll down)

( photo taken by Sherry Ott -(
who lives and loves & loves and lives – check out her water project here.)

Yes, that color, shade, where it’s at, the shape of stroke, the blending and contrast –
the only you that there is, splashes your unique beauty in this amazing mural of life.

No one else can be who you are. 

There are those with similar interests, gifts, talents and ideas, but no one wraps their gifts in the same colors and design as you, no one.

A harmonious choir blends many voices and a few parts, and although several sing the same part, no voice is exactly the same, and every voice makes the magnificence of the song.

If you’re like me, it’s so easy to get caught in an eddy of comparison thinking and spin in thoughts of ‘not enough’, forgetting that we are all here, individually being a unique expression of Love.

Because you are here – the world is more wondrous.

So why not play?  How can you ever get anything wrong if there is nothing to compare?  The perfection and expansion of you just is, which is uniquely spectacular.

Playing is such a ‘being in the moment’ experience of Love.  It’s where imagination is all present and alive.

When our pretend granddaughter was little and stayed with us on frequent weekends, I loved to watch her play.  There were no rules.  She made up her world as she went, dancing, singing, cartwheels, tea parties, and creative conversations being completely joyous and preoccupied in every moment that was continually unfolding and expanding into something new.

Did you know your ‘play’ was always meant to be how you move and live in this amazing life?

Sometimes our fears and untrue beliefs captivate us and we look out from this prison, thinking this is where we are supposed to spend our lives.

Then we tend to notice others enjoying a magnificent life of freedom, and think – well, for some reason they were lucky enough to get to have a wonderful life.

And then when we’re really in the muck we entertain thoughts like…But, not us, we are here in prison and until the prison guard (something outside us) unlocks our cell, we’re in here for good.  It’s such an untruth – and we know that.

We know deep down we are here to experience all that we desire.

And so we go inside ourselves and realize, contrary to where we might like to point, we are the ones who put ourselves in prison, and the cell is NOT locked.

Sending you a Universe of Love, courage and curiosity to check and see.
It’s simple and all that’s needed is for you to turn and open, even if it’s just a crack.  Remember – a crack lets the light in.

Loving you,

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