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meeting Love (remarkable story)

May you ‘meet’ Love…

Seeing Signs of Love along the way. (remarkable story) scroll down

I had some fun looking at a crazy long word that we think of when we see a butterfly emerging from the chrysalis….and I found Love there!

‘Me’tamorphosis’ begins with ‘me’, of course!  All change begins with  ‘me’!

As I looked closer at the beginning of ‘metamorphosis’, the word also starts with 2 other words in 2 languages…met and amor (amor is‘love’in Spanish), the most beautiful encounter of our life.

If I were to describe a transformation within – is it not a ‘meeting of love’ within?  There is a recognition and rejoicing in the deepest part of our heart, the part of us that IS us that is so eager to express and freely be.

Finally, the language of our mind merges with the language of our heart.  A genuine knowing of the divine love of who I am, and who you are, who we all are and the joy of feeling that immense love, then owning it.

I believe this is the beginning of an incredible change that represents infinite freedom. 

Living and breathing in your heart, the essence of who you really are will move you into a flow of grace.  Grace that connects us at the deepest level of love for all things, yes, ALL things.

Love is all powerful, so when in every cell of our being we know the Love that we are, there is a sense of true power that permeates us.

We feel the Love that we are, and we automatically see others as the same divine being of Love that they are.

I invite you to pause for a moment and be in your own divinity, then look across the room at whoever you are with and witness them as a divine being, noticing Love and Light being their authentic being.

I have found when I feel and see others as they are, (seeing myself first as I am) as powerful divine beings of love and light, in that moment it’s impossible to see anyone as a victim, we only see and feel our divine power.

What a profound gift to give each other.

A metamorphosis that gives us wings. I’m all in – are you?

Wishing you courage to ‘meet love’ within – and transform your thoughts, words and vision into Love.

loving you,

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