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our miracle (remarkable story)

Love is our miracle story- continually unfolding.

Look for Signs of Love – it opens our eyes to miracles (remarkable story- scroll down)

I hung up the phone, my knees weak and ready to buckle.  I felt the lump in my throat, my was heart heavy and mind racing. My feet were moving me quickly out the door and down towards the river trail.  

I knew it was my emotions that had taken me over from the conversation I had just had.  The stories I was making up in my head were going rampant and needed to stop! – but how?  If I could only talk to someone – but who?  

Have you ever felt like this? – where the conversation on the other end of the phone left you feeling so helpless and afraid. Even if there weren’t miles between you and the loved one – it felt like their heart was miles from connecting with Love itself.  You silently prayed for words that would breathe life and hope, and somehow be Light.

And then, when you do get off the phone, instead of trusting divinity, you are engulfed in a flood of thoughts on ‘how to fix’ and you feel yourself going down with all the untrue and exaggerated ‘what-if’ stories you just made up –  that feel SO true and real!!

Yep! – that was me this day walking along the river, wondering who I could call that would understand and help me out of this torrent of unnecessary pain I couldn’t seem to untangle from.

I took the phone out of my pocket and held it thinking maybe a name would come to mind. In that instant, my phone rang.  

Tears welled up in overwhelming gratitude when I saw who was calling – truly, the most welcomed ‘Sign of Love’ ever!  

It was one of my dear soul-sisters from across the Pacific Ocean that I rarely connect with, and here she was calling me in this very moment.

Here’s what she said to me…(and if you’ve ever heard me say this to you – because I say it a lot), this is where it came from.

She said, Theresa – ‘this is a miracle story- and the miracle is still unfolding.’  

She pointed out all the miracles she saw in the ‘story of the past’ that I had shared that day.  
 – She pointed out the miracle the loved one was already
– the miracle that this loved one actually came into this life courageously willing to take on these lessons
– she pointed out all the miraculous ways in which the loved one had navigated perfectly already

and she pointed out….‘the miracle is still unfolding’.  

I hung up the phone with the deepest calm, hope and peaceful knowing, that the miracle I was witnessing, was just that – a miracle unfolding…

…and by appearances might look as though things were falling apart, but it was just a miracle unfolding and would one day completely unfold into something more wonderful than I could imagine and in ways I could never begin to orchestrate.  

Today, I stand in awe of this miracle.

The greatest Signs of Love are many times the friends who remind you to trust, that point out the highest and greatest potential and know it to be so.

With all my grateful heart. I see you.
You are the miracle of Love, and you can trust this miracle – as life unfolds you.

loving you,

ps – the photo is thousands of orchid blossoms by Debbie Jones  each blossom blessed creating this beautiful Sign of Love -on the big island of Hawaii.

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