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Power of Love (remarkable story)

Love is the greatest power.

‘Seeing is Believing’…take a look at this amazing experiment and (remarkable story – scroll down)

Sometimes we doubt Love, it’s work seems invisible, our efforts unnoticed and nothing appears to change – or at least what our mind has categorized that should.  We look around and the dark seems so impossible to ever be light.Last week Mary A Hall posted her results from an incredible experiment on the Power of Love.  I am so excited to share this with you.  I have copied her post below….

This is a season of remembering the rejuvenating POWER OF LOVE.

We observe it in spring. We see it all around us… the rejuvenating, life giving, power of love

[VIDEO] The POWER OF LOVE  made manifest — Five months ago I conducted an experiment
to see if LOVE truly does triumph over evil.

(Below is my documentation of my experiment and the surprise I received!)

** Watch the video… then READ below and witness the individuals and all their Ah-ha’s.

==> Click to Watch Video ==

WARNING this email is a super long… but well worth it! (You won’t believe it!)

** I call this MY RICE EXPERIMENT **

I approached this like any other scientific experiment.

I gathered two identical jars with identical lids… clean and dry.

I then cooked a pot of white grain rice and let it cool to room temperature.

I placed the exact same amount of rice in each jar and closed the lids.

I put a smiley face on the top of one and a sad face on the other… (so I would know which
one was which, and you will never guess why).

Everyday, once and sometimes twice, for the next 4 weeks, I would pick up one jar at a time…

To the one with the smiley face, I would SEND LOVE.

I would say, “I LOVE YOU” several times, feeling each time the beautiful energy of love… l
oving the rice.

Next, I would pick up the jar with the sad face and say, “I HATE YOU”.

Yeap, you heard that right. Wow… this was very challenging; I didn’t even what to be in
the energy of hate.

(But hence, I was conducting an experiment… so I stuck it out to see if there would be
any measurable results.)

As I said, “I HATE YOU”… I had to think of how to conjure up the energy of hate.

I thought of individuals in my past that upset me, times that I experienced being unjustly
treated. I found myself summoning up the old energies of upset, anger… Yes and even hate.

(This was my first AH-HA! That I had to think of people, those who hurt me deeply, in order
to awaken the energy of hate.)

Isn’t it interesting to see now how it is often people the we direct our dislike… even hate etc…
(I never really saw it in such technicolor before.)

So I continued each day to pick up each jar, one at a time…

To one… “I LOVE YOU” (saying several times, feeling the energy of love for the beautiful rice).

To the other… “I HATE YOU” (repeating several times, summoning up the energy of hate for
the unsuspecting rice).

THEN after 4 weeks of conversing and sending energy to each of the jars… I was off on
vacation to Hawaii.

I returned a month later to receive a HUGH SURPRISE!!

While I was gone on vacation the true magic of the experiment unfolded.

The jar of rice I sent LOVE to looked almost as good as the first day.

The second jar of rice I sent HATE to… was riddled with mold. (You have to watch the video
if you don’t believe me).

I couldn’t believe my eyes!!  (But I know it was true… because I DID THE EXPERIMENT!)

I brought in the two jars for my mom to see…

After I shared my experiment in detail, she blurted out… OH MY, I need to LOVE myself more!!

How precious! She instinctively got, at 81 years old; she had more then ever, started being
harder and harder on herself with her ailing abilities.

I said, “Wow, that is really cool… a call to LOVING ourselves more… you are so right!.

I said, “OK, we can throw away the rice and wash the jars”…

My mom said, “NO, I want to show my caregiver”. So we held onto the jars until the next day.

When we showed her caregiver and explained the experiment… SHE WAS SHOCKED and her
jaw dropped!

There is something undeniable that happens when hold the two jars in your hands.

“Seriously”??, she said. She was so amazed that she asked if she could take the jars home
to show her family.

She did, and the next day was hilarious as she shared her escapades, going to each person
one by one. She shared the Rice Experiment and the energy of LOVE and the energy of HATE
with each of her household members.

Her daughter and 2-year-old son were also there.

Her 2 year old grandson after hearing the whole rendition… picked up the Sad Face jar
with the mold and said… OH this is the sick one… I am going to send it LOVE.

How precious… even the very young instinctively understand the POWER OF LOVE.

I continued to show the two jars to many people…

Some even decided to conduct the experiment on their own!! And I am so glad they are.

If you decide to undertake this experiment… make sure you keep the jars for two full months
to really see for yourself – THE POWER OF LOVE!

Wishing you a blessed Easter and SENDING LOVE!!

Thank you for all you are and the love you are spreading to the world!

Together we love, heal, grow and evolve!

Love and Blessings,

Mary AHall

May you always believe in Love.
loving you,

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